Senin, 18 Agustus 2014

PDF⋙ Fish-Eye Lens by Jody Rathgeb

Fish-Eye Lens by Jody Rathgeb

Fish-Eye Lens

Fish-Eye Lens by Jody Rathgeb PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

When Cherry arrives on the island of East Taino as part of an ecological documentary film crew, she has two things on her mind: proving to her boss and male colleagues that she can handle anything they can throw at her; and figuring out what to do about her husband back home, whose notions of wifely duties have become increasingly stifling. Her job is to interview the women on the island to document how they drove out a seedy land developer named Benny Royston. Cherry delves right in-only to discover that the real story is far more complex than it appears. She quickly finds herself sucked into an insular world of booze, gossip, sex and religion-a world in which she might lose herself or find a sense of purpose and a place within the unlikely Taino sisterhood. If only she can stay out of trouble and root out the secrets no one's telling her.

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