Sabtu, 06 September 2014

PDF⋙ Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences by David C. Howell

Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences by David C. Howell

Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences

Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences by David C. Howell PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

FUNDAMENTAL STATISTICS FOR THE BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES focuses on providing the context of statistics in behavioral research, while emphasizing the importance of looking at data before jumping into a test. This practical approach provides readers with an understanding of the logic behind the statistics, so they understand why and how certain methods are used--rather than simply carry out techniques by rote. Readers move beyond number crunching to discover the meaning of statistical results and appreciate how the statistical test to be employed relates to the research questions posed by an experiment. An abundance of real data and research studies provide a real-life perspective and help you understand concepts as you learn about the analysis of data. Available with InfoTrac Student Collections

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