Rheology: Concepts, Methods and Applications by Alexander Ya. Malkin, Avraam I. Isayev
Rheology: Concepts, Methods and Applications by Alexander Ya. Malkin, Avraam I. Isayev PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
There are few comprehensive books on the market on the subject of Rheology -- the complex science dealing with flow and deformation of matter -- and these are several years old. At least now there is a book that explains the meaning of a science that many scientists need to use but only a few can fully grasp. It does so by striking the balance between oversimplification and overload of theory in a very compelling and readable manner. The authors' systematic presentation enables the authors to include all components of Rheology in one volume. The first four chapters of this book discuss various aspects of theoretical Rheology and, by examples of many studies, show how particular theory, model, or equation can be used in solving different problems. The main emphasis is on liquids, but solid materials are discussed in one full chapter as well.Methods of measurement and raw data treatment are included in one large chapter which constitutes more than one quarter of the book. Eight groups of methods are discussed giving many choices for experimentation and guidance on where and how to use them properly. The final chapter shows how to use rheological methods in different groups of products and methods of their manufacture. Usefulness of chemorheological (rheokinetical) measurements is also emphasized. This chapter continues with examples of purposeful applications in practical matters.
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