Rabu, 01 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Handbook of Self-Regulation, Third Edition: Research, Theory, and Applications

Handbook of Self-Regulation, Third Edition: Research, Theory, and Applications

Handbook of Self-Regulation, Third Edition: Research, Theory, and Applications

Handbook of Self-Regulation, Third Edition: Research, Theory, and Applications PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

From leading authorities, this significantly revised and expanded handbook is a highly regarded reference in a rapidly growing field. It thoroughly examines the conscious and unconscious processes by which people manage their behavior and emotions, control impulses, and strive toward desired goals. Chapters explore such vital issues as why certain individuals have better self-control than others; how self-regulation shapes, and is shaped by, social relationships; underlying brain mechanisms and developmental pathways; and which interventions can improve people’s self-control. The volume also addresses self-regulatory failures and their consequences, with chapters on attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, criminality, addictions, and money management challenges.

New to This Edition
*Incorporates the latest topic areas, theories, and empirical findings.
*Updated throughout, with 21 new chapters and numerous new authors.
*Cutting-edge topics: implicit self-regulation processes, the role of physical needs and processes (such as the importance of sleep), the benefits of dampening positivity, the frequency and consequences of emotional control in the workplace, and self-regulation training.
*Expanded coverage of motivational factors, romantic relationships, and lapses of self-control.

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