Senin, 13 Oktober 2014

PDF⋙ Wise Leadership by Linda A. McLyman

Wise Leadership by Linda A. McLyman

Wise Leadership

Wise Leadership by Linda A. McLyman PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Wise Leadership breaks from the formulas offered up in traditional self-help or management and leadership books. Rather than providing a set of quick-fix recipes for success, McLyman invites leaders instead to listen to the simple, poignant words she has garnered from working alongside some of her most successful and powerful clients during twenty-plus years of management consulting. These are the leaders everyone wants to have in their organizations.

     In a simple, practical, and insightful style, McLyman shows her readers to how grasp the values, beliefs, and truths that are commonly held by many of today’s wisest leaders. Discover what it really means to work not just as a smart and intelligent leader, but also as a very wise leader. The path to intelligence, we discover, is not necessarily the same path to wisdom. McLyman encourages us to listen to the thoughts and feelings behind the simple words. As we eavesdrop on conversations with clients, we are invited to ponder our own meaning of wise leadership. There are no quick solutions, no simple answers; instead, McLyman declares, we must learn to think for ourselves. This insightful book offers an opportunity for people from all walks of life to learn more about the concept of leadership and to gain an understanding of what it really means to be a wise leader in today’s complex and challenging world.

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